February 6-10, 2006. I had a great opportunity from my office to attended the "1st Reinventing CSR" at Asian Institue of Management (AIM), Manila Philippine. This workshop followed by 29 participant from 4 country in Asia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippine itself. From my office Indonesia Business Links (IBL), I went with Mrs. Chrysanti Sedyono Hasibuan ( Board of Management of IBL). Then, I met Mr. Billy P.Kadar from Astra International, Mr. Aldi Alizar from Golder Associate and Mrs. Mulyasti Dwi Narini from Bank Central Asia. So, Indonesia have 5 participant from 29.
How should we design our CSR programs? What social causes should we support? How do we integrate CSR in our core business strategy ? Are the guidelines on how to implement CSR effectively? Would be strategic questions which will be answered during the WOrkshop.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming the mainstream business philosophy of today. To be on top of the corporate ladder, companies must engage themselves in issues thet their stakeholders care most about. Creating social value matters, but equally important is building business performance simultaneously. Traditionally, CSR in the form of philanthropy or corporate giving is not integrated in the business strategy. These traditional approaches have short term impact on society while bringing little bearing to business.
Having already accepted the relevance of CSR in business, companies are now wondering how by practicing CSR they could maximize both social and business performances ( Asian Insitute of Management - Ramon V. Del Rosario Sr - Center for Corporate Responsibility)
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